1) Speed up and slow down according to the tempo of the song. I did this yesterday to Katy Perry's "Roar" (love this song!) as I was riding the spin bike. I put it on repeat, but it was a great cardio session!
2) Alternate your speeds according to the song. Do a regular speed for one song, and then go faster on the next. I have done this before on the Stairmill, and wow it was hard! It always seemed like my regular pace happened on the quick songs!
3) Be creative and use a combination of both!
Usually when I do interval workouts (whether it's music, tabatas or something else), time really flies by...another added benefit!
Have a wonderful day and keep training hard. Here are some photos that I have also posted on Instagram (kelliraefit).
Both pictures were taken after my afternoon cardio sessions this past week. I've really been trying to hit it hard with intense consistency. I have big goals!
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