1) If you decide to join a gym, make it convenient. If you have a choice between a few gyms, pick the one closer to your home. Even if this costs a few bucks more, it will be worth it. If you have to drive a ways to the gym, there will probably be a lot of distractions along the way.
2) Get your workout in first thing in the morning. If you have to get up earlier than usual, it's worth it. It's done and you can enjoy your day.
3) Turn off the TV at night to get in fitness. Or if it's something that you cannot resist, do something during commercials. My husband and I plugged in a movie one day and did squats...10 each minute. In a 120 minute movie, this really adds up! Plus, it was good time spent with each other.
4) If you have any errands that are close by, walk instead of drive.
5) If you drive anywhere, park further out in the parking lot.
6) Take the stairs instead of elevator. In college, I lived on the 7th floor, and I took the stairs many times!
7) Walk during your lunch breaks at work. If you are lucky enough to have a long lunch hour, use this time to get to the gym. Unfortunately, I was never this lucky but I had some friends who were able to do this.
8) Be creative! There are sidewalks and green areas EVERYWHERE! If you have a few minutes or more, this is enough time for some jumping jacks, sprints, etc. Don't worry if you look foolish...it's YOUR health!
9) If you are stuck in traffic, make your car your gym! Hold your abs in tight for a 5 count, release, repeat. Be creative, but safe!
10) This has nothing to do directly with exercise, but pack your food during the day. This will save money, time and calories. Maybe this will save enough time to get a few minutes of walking in, but it will certainly be healthier for you!
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