I hear a lot that cardio is boring, and I agree that it CAN be. These are some things that I do to enjoy myself and NOT make it boring.
~Talk to a friend BUT also keep up the intensity!
~Listen to recorded AdvoCare conference calls. I have unlimited minutes on my cell phone. I keep a directory on my phone and BAM they are available whenever I need them.
~Switch machines. Not possible? Do intervals.
~Watch some TV or YouTube. I have done this many times at home and it's really fun to watch my favorite shows and matches that I typically don't have time to watch during the day.
Lately, I have been doing a lot more heavy lifting and not as much cardio. Not really any reason for this except that it's what I have been enjoying lately. However when I do cardio, I LOVE the Stairmill!!! I feel like I get such a great sweat in the shortest amount of time. I typically do it for about 20-30 minutes at time, increasing my speed as time goes on. Right now, I go for quality over quantity. I don't increase the speed at any set time, but just when I feel like I need it. And many times, I will go as fast as possible for the last minute. I LOVE the challenge!!!
2 words of advice on the Stairmill:
1) Never tried it? Start slow!
2) Don't let your ego get in the way. You are doing NOTHING for yourself if you go really fast and hunch over!
I welcome any comments and/or questions! kelrb8@gmail.com or find me on Facebook keli.roberts8
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