What do you want to be when you grow up? It's a question that we are always asked and it was always a struggle for me to find "that answer". I knew what I enjoyed doing, but I didn't really know how to turn that into a career. It was always preached to get a good job with benefits. How was I supposed to turn my passions into a career that made me money (and had benefits)? Really not sure!
I have always loved fitness and working out. There are pictures of me as as a kid (probably around 3 or 4 years old?) with a leotard, tights and warm ups working out to Richard Simmons and Charlene Prickett on TV. I had no idea what a career was, but I knew what I enjoyed. So that's just what I did.
Down the road, MANY years later...I still loved fitness. But how would I seriously turn that into a career, a "good job with benefits"? Not really sure, and it seriously frustrated the crap out of me for so long. I would think to myself...can it really be this difficult? Is everyone else finding their career passions but me!? Or is everyone faking it and I just don't know the difference?
So I thought being a Personal Trainer would do the trick. It's fitness, right!? Well yea, kinda. I studied, passed my test and I was (and still am for now) a certified Personal Trainer. Wooohooo! I found a job in a few weeks, and quickly learned that there were many things about the job that were definitely not my passion. I didn't like teaching people fitness basics and I didn't like selling people on working out. Either you like it or you don't...so after awhile I felt like I was a glorified salesperson and I was back at square one. Frustrated and stressed. Is finding your passions and turning it into a career supposed to be this difficult!?
Like they say I guess...nothing worthwhile comes easy.
I was still on a mission to find out a job that I enjoyed...turning a passion into a career. This entire time and since 1998/1999, I sold on eBay. It was never consistent, but it was definitely there for me when I needed to make a few bucks. It got me through some really tough times, and I really enjoyed it. I never in a million years think that it would ever turn into a career.
A few years ago, I started selling on eBay more consistently. I would get up super early and stay up super late to work on my items. I even carried a full time job at the time and I managed to still do this. I really did not like my job at all, but it paid REALLY well and it was hard to leave that kind of money. But what is money...you need it to pay bills. But as they say, you make more...you spend more. I came home pissed off every night, and not having that stress would be PRICELESS!
To make a long story short, I did end up making online selling my career. Since then, I have started selling more on Amazon and less on eBay. I don't know if I will do this for the rest of my life, but I really enjoy what I do. It's not fitness...BUT it allows me to pursue it in the middle of the day if I want. It allows me to work when I want, which is incredibly fun too. I probably put in more than the average 40 hours a week...but it's so much fun not to!
This is what my day looked like yesterday...heavy lifting in the AM. Then...11 boxes (235 pounds) for Amazon!
Then, some more gym time. Cardio intervals!
I was so exhausted, but its definitely rewarding to enjoy what you do every day. I'm not going to lie, I do get stressed. It's not sunshine and roses 100% of the time. But it's much better than working a 10 hour day with an hour commute on top of that, not being able to pursue your hobbies like you want and then getting up the next day and having a boss be mad as to why you only put in 10 hours because metrics were not met. Blah! No good for me!
So as a takeaway...maybe the thing that will be your career will just fall into your lap one day. It did for me. I had no idea that I could do this Amazon thing until I read about it one day on a FB group for EBay. All along I LOVED couponing and finding good deals, but I had no idea I could make money from it. Maybe your career will not be your greatest passion, but it will be something you REALLY love doing!
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