Up until about a month ago, I would cringe when someone asked me what I did for a career. Why? It's because I don't have a "typical" job. I get bored pretty easily, so I like to do many different things so I don't get tired or burnt out. So my answer would sometimes be...I'm a self-employed entrepreneur. Whew! Then some would still ask...well what is that!? Well, I sell on Amazon and eBay, I work for a sports recruiting company, I do promotions, I have a supplement business and I have a makeup business. I would typically laugh afterwards, saying that I like to stay busy.
One day recently it's hit me...does that really make me sound professional? I know that I do all of this for myself and I shouldn't really care what others think. But does it really want to make someone do business with me? No, not really. I realized that I need to pick one or two things, and do them well. If I am doing 5 or 6 jobs at once, I will get tired, frustrated and can't really become an expert in anything.
So I am not quitting anything. That's not my style at all. And it's always good to have multiple streams of income. But I am going to focus on Amazon, and I'm going to work for the sports recruiting company on the side. I will be doing this at least for the rest of the year since it's Q4 and it's the busiest time of the year. I'm so excited and it seems like once I decided this, my Amazon income started growing. Sidenote - my husband has started to help more, so that has been awesome too.
Who knows what next year will bring. I don't ever see myself stopping my Amazon business or the sports recruiting. I love them both too much. I do know that business may slow down a little bit after Q4. I'd love to get the opportunity to write some books on fitness or maybe my educational/career journey. My journey been a little different than most, and I'd love to share it.
Do you know anyone who is interested in how Amazon works? Or maybe you are interested for yourself? If so, Jessica Larrew is absolutely amazing and it's someone that anyone and everyone should copy if you want fast success in this business. I HIGHLY recommend her! I have a long way to go, but I would not be where I am today without her guidance and expertise.
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